
GuildThe Guild

The Guild Meet every Monday evening from 7:30pm to 9:00pm from October until March.

The Guild exists to promote Christian Fellowship among its members, to reach out to the community at large and to build friendships with others. It is open to all men and women whether members of the church or not.

We offer a varied programme of speakers to inform and entertain.  The syllabus for our October to December 2023 term can be seen here.

We hope that you can come along and join us; you will be made most welcome.

Clincarthill Coffee Morning

We meet on Tuesday mornings from 10am until 11am. Come along for a cup of tea or coffee with a toasted teacake, warm pancake or scone. Everyone is welcome, so why not bring along your friends or neighbours? The cost is only £1.

Seniors Friday Diners

We meet Fridays at 12 noon. For a cost of only £2, you will receive a 2 course meal and some tea. Everyone is welcome.

Badminton Club

Meeting on Tuesdays at 2pm in the large hall (through to June 2023).

The Craft Club

Meeting fortnightly on Thursday mornings from 10am to 12 noon.  For anyone wishing to join us on alternate Thursday mornings between 10am and 12noon for knitting, crocheting or sewing etc. You will be most welcome and you do not need to be experienced. Tea/Coffee and biscuits provided (50p).



Weight Watchers on Wednesdays at 10am, 5pm and 6.30pm
see here for more information

Yoga on Saturday at 10.30am