Our Puppet Team
The Clincarthill Church Puppet team has been active in and around the church since 2012. Our aim is to bring the gospel of Jesus to the community through the use of puppets in an entertaining, attractive yet challenging way.
We use a mixture of songs and sketches to tell of God’s love for his people and to tell bible stories in a new light. The puppets appear from time to time at the Sunday morning service. We do not see our mission as being solely to children – all ages seem to really enjoy their message.
We have also visited other churches around Glasgow to take part in morning services, messy church, youth organisations and family events. We have also visited Perth, Largs, Beith and Renfrew. We held hour-long Christmas concerts between 2013 and 2018.
If you’d like to get in touch with us, please email us at puppets@clincarthill.org.uk
You can see some of our performances below.
More are available at https://www.youtube.com/@ShanklandVideos
Here are two songs we performed at our Christmas Eve Family Service
Everyone has a place in God’s Kingdom. Sing along to ‘All God’s Creatures Got A Place In The Choir’ by Celtic Thunder and performed by the Clincarthill Church Puppets.
God created humans in His own image, we are told so in Genesis 1:27. He can’t physically look like us all, but we share certain qualities with God and we are all created to love one another and Him. This song sung by The Wiser Family Puppets and performed here by the Clincarthill Church Puppets helps us understand this.
The Team performed ‘Sounding Joy’ by Ellie Holcomb at their Christmas Eve Family Service in 2023. This song looks back to the first Christmas Eve and says that joy like wings – the wings of the angels who came to bring the good news to the world that Jesus was going to be born in Bethlehem.
It is Easter Sunday Morning and the puppets sing One, Two, Three Jesus is Alive by Yancy and Friends.
This is the story of Paul and Silas in prison from Acts chapter 16, verses 22-34. Paul and Silas who are in prison break free of their chains following an earthquake caused by God, leading to the jailer and his family also believing in God. The sketch finishes with the song ‘Jail Got Rocked’, parody of Jailhouse Rock.
This is the Clincarthill Church Puppet’s performance of ‘Smile’ by the Sidewalk Prophets. No matter what you are going through, God is with you all the way, and you can be glad about that. Remember, smiling is more infectious than Covid!
In uncertain times remember that we’ve got the Lord, and He holds tomorrow.
In these uncertain times, remember that we are all lambs in God’s hands. Follow where He’s going, God will take you to the promised land.
The Easter story, performed by the Clincarthill Church Puppets. He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed.
A reflection for Easter – using a parody of ‘Make You Feel My Love’ by Adele (from ‘Love On The Cross’ by Mark Bradford).
Noah was keeping his family save from the floods on his ark – you could say he was ‘self-isolating’. But like us during our coronavirus crisis, God is in it with him:-
Our special Palm Sunday join-in-sing-a-long:-
A message not to worry during the Coronavirus crisis:-