Church Closure – Current Information (Updated: 26th March 2020)

In response to the guidelines issued by the Church of Scotland on 17th March 2020, all congregational activities, including Sunday worship, must cease.

This post will contain the provisions in place while these guidelines are in effect, and will be updated as changes occur.

Closure of Church Building

Following the government’s announcement on 23rd March 2020, that we are effectively in “lock-down”, our building is now considered closed under all circumstances. There will be no gatherings in our church building for the foreseeable future.

Provision for Sunday Worship

Normal Sunday worship must cease with immediate effect.

The Church of Scotland has compiled a list of congregations which are live-streaming services of worship on a Sunday. To find out more, click here.

Stuart is uploading a series of videos to encourage our faith, called “A Study in the Study”. You can access these through YouTube by clicking here, or on this website.

Provision for Pastoral care

With the government instituting a “lock-down”, face-to-face pastoral care is currently not possible. We are, therefore, asking elders and our Pastoral Visiting team to keep in touch with members over the phone.

If you need particular help or support, please either contact the church office and leave a message, or email one of the contacts below. This message will be sent to our team who are co-ordinating our pastoral response, and they will ensure you receive the help you need.

Church Office: 0141 632 4206
Stuart Love (Minister)
Roger Gann (Session Clerk)

Further, if you are healthy, and wish to offer your support by picking up shopping, getting urgent supplies, or simply contacting someone in need, please contact one of the above at the beginning of each week – this will help us know who is available to support those in need.

Please keep an eye out on the church website and Facebook page for further updates.

Finally, let us remember our verse of the year for 2020, which offers us encouragement at this difficult time:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9 NIVUK