Letter from our Session Clerk – Jan 2016
Dear Friends in Clincarthill,
May I wish you a very Happy New Year and may God be with us all and Bless us in the 2016. May I thank everyone who contributed to the services and activities during the Advent and Christmas season. It was a wonderful time to meet and celebrate the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is good to find God’s people filled with the Joy of Christmas.
But here we are at the beginning of another year. January is normally a quiet month but the organisations are all continuing with the Wednesday Prayer meetings every week, the monthly Prayer Breakfast and Healing service. The Lunch club resumes on Friday January 8th and the Whist drive on Saturday, January 9th . The Guild begins the second half of it’s session on Monday, January 11th and the Coffee club meets on Tuesday, January 12th at 10am. The Youth organisations all continue with their programmes also.
As we step into 2016, we are all aware that we are still in vacancy, so we should continue in prayer for the minister, chosen by God for Clincarthill , to be revealed to us. I am aware that the congregation is anxious, but please be assured that the Nominating committee is working hard to find our new minister. The vacancy has been advertised in the usual ways. The committee have written to Probationers, Graduate candidates and serving ministers drawing attention to the vacancy and have visited other churches to hear prospective candidates lead worship, in addition to hosting visits from prospective ministers.
Time is passing, but I urge everyone to be patient, the right person is out there and the Nominating committee will continue in their efforts on your behalf . As we stand at the door of the New Year let us step out, putting our hands into the hand of God who will guide us on the right path.
God bless,
Sheila Morrow