Letter from our Session Clerk – Nov 2015
Dear Friends in Clincarthill,
How the time flies, it seems no time at all that I was writing the letter for October’s magazine. November is going to be a busy month and by the time you read this we will have welcomed the Boys’ Brigade for their annual dedication service. The Remembrance Service on November the 8th begins at 10.45am and once again David Watson will play the pipes for the laying of the wreath. The Poppy wreath this year will be laid by Kevin Hughes.
Hugh McLintock spoke to us meaningfully about the importance of our taking part in Congregational prayer and the next Prayer Breakfast will be held on November 14th at 8.30am. This coincides with the Guild Coffee Morning and Christmas Fair. So Breakfast and morning coffee, what more could you ask for!!
The Guild Coffee morning raises much needed funds much of which is donated to the church. So come along, have coffee and look at the stalls. There will be home baking, soft goods, Christmas gifts, jewellery, wooden goods and books all available to purchase – opportunity to buy some early Christmas presents.
Joan will be on holiday on November 22nd and once again we will have the pleasure of welcoming the Rev. John Wilson as our guest preacher. Our Communion service on December 6th will be conducted by the Rev. Linda Walker.
I would still like to hear from anyone who would be interested in helping with the Kids’ Church – so please let me know.
I have another appeal and that is on behalf of the Flower Ministry. The Flower Fund is much depleted and this fund provides the flowers on display each Sunday which will subsequently go to those unwell, housebound, bereaved or indeed for special birthdays and anniversaries. The Kirk Session have agreed to a request from the Pastoral Team to have a special ‘ Day of Giving’ for the Flower Fund. This will be on Sunday, November 15th when donations can be placed in an envelope marked ‘Flower Fund’ and put into the offering bags when they come around. Although we are making this a special day, donations are welcome at any time using that method. Another way of contributing is to add your name to the Flower Diary and give the money for the flowers on a particular Sunday, to commemorate an anniversary or special occasion. A new Flower diary is being prepared and will be placed where it is readily available and as soon as that is decided we will let you know.
I wish you all God’s blessing and guidance as we approach the season of Advent.
God Bless,