Letter from our Session Clerk – Sept 2015

Dear Friends in Clincarthill,

It must be a sign of Old Age,but the summer just seems to have flown  past and this month we are approaching Autumn. I hope you all had a restful and good summer break and feel refreshed for the new session ahead of us. The organisations will be starting again during September into October and please remember the Leaders as they minister to the children and adults who will come through our doors.

If you are available on a Tuesday morning around 10am, come along to the Coffee club. There is always a place and a warm welcome for you and a lot of chat. The Friday Lunch club also is ongoing with a good group of people to meet with. The Whist club begins its’ new session on Saturday, September 12th. I started going the session before last and being a novice was soon shown how to play, so don’t be put off if you haven’t played Whist before!

After a successful Holiday club we are holding a Ceilidh on Saturday, September 19th. Tickets will be available and please come along, and tell your neighbours. This event is also for people in the community and will be a fun-filled night.

In addition we are hosting the Tear Fund concert again so see Stephen Kennedy and get your ticket – this is a worthwhile cause.

The Nominating Committee are meeting regularly, processing enquiries and visiting potential candidates. Things are happening, although slowly, but please continue to pray that the right minister will be found for us here in Clincarthill.

I thank God for each one of you who continue to serve here in this church and help keep Clincarthill alive and welcoming.

God Bless,
