Letter from our Session Clerk – Sept 2016
When you read this letter we will be in the month of September. I am told it is a sign of getting older when the summers just seem to fly past, and I hope you all had a restful end enjoyable summer. Already the signs of Autumn are with us. The leaves on the trees are turning golden and the nights are drawing in heralding another season of the year.
As a congregation, we too are embarking on a new chapter which will mean change, for on August 28th we chose our new minister, Stuart Love and we welcome him and his wife, Ruth, into our church family. This is an exciting time as we begin to work together on a new and fresh Ministry and Mission in the parish of Clincarthill. As yet, the date for Stuart’s Ordination and Induction are not yet fixed, but we hope that it will be in October — Glasgow Presbytery fix the date for that.
As I write this and think of the certainty we have in our seasons of the year and the climatic changes they bring to our countryside and to nature, I am reminded of the words in Eclesiastes ( a book often thought of as one of Doom and Gloom) but in chapter 3 verse 1 there is the unquestionable truth, “ There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven.”
All we do as Christians is controlled by the power and love of God and our saviour Jesus Christ, for us. I feel this power work in our congregation, God has been constant and faithful as He promises, and I thank every one of you for staying true and working together during our two years of vacancy.
So as we move into a ‘New Season’ and a new Beginning, the church organisations are restarting and we have the opportunity to walk out in Faith on our continued journey, giving thanks to God and working in His service.
God Bless you all
Sheila Morrow