Message from our Locum – Joan Kilpatrick – May 2015
Dear friends
I’m sure we’re all aware that time is moving on at quite a pace. Many of our organisations are winding down for the Summer, our Kid’s Church and YPC are looking forward to their Prize-giving during May. The BB have held their display and I’m sure it all went extremely well. The leaders of all these groups will be looking forward to a well-earned break.
This month will looks as if it will bring a change in government for our country, no matter who ‘gets in’ we need to focus on the effect it will have on the poor and marginalised, we need to pray of justice and equality in all walks of life, that our children will have a quality of life no matter where they are living and educated.
May is also when we will celebrate the birthday of Christ’s church, when the Holy Spirit came upon hundreds of people and continues to move both within us and His church today. As I was reflecting on this I do wonder if we still rely on His help and if we are aware of the importance of His presence in our lives. We can do nothing without Him, that is the plain truth! We need the Spirit’s strength, guidance, knowledge and understanding. Romans 8: 26 reminds us of the need for the Spirit’s interceding for us in prayer, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
There is so many people and situations to pray for at the moment, those who have been bereaved in our church family, those who are ill at home or in hospital, our young folks who are studying for exams, the people of Nepal who have suffered such devastation through the earthquake at the end of April. The Spirit knows how difficult we can find it to pray for so many but He knows what’s in our hearts and our desperation for lives to be made whole and to be given what’s needed in every situation.
In recent weeks as we’ve looked at the Easter story and who Jesus is. It is clear there is only one place to go with our concerns and that is to the foot of the Cross and lay down our burdens of prayer at the place where Jesus’ life both ended and began in His resurrection. He is our Good Shepherd and will always protect and provide for us no matter where we wander or what is going on for us.
I pray that we will all become more aware of the Holy Spirit in our own lives and be willing to let Him guide and direct our lives. Please continue to pray for our Nominating Committee as they carry out the task of finding the minister for Clincarthill, may they know the presence of the Spirit in all they do in the weeks ahead.
Love and Blessings