Message from our Locum – Joan Kilpatrick – Oct 2015
Dear Friends
Well, it appears to be autumn! It feels like it’s been that way for a while with all the rain and varying temperatures we have had over the summer, or what passed as summer.
But let’s stop being so grumpy about the weather, this is a time when our thoughts should turn to the beginning of all our organisations, Harvest, and dare I say it, Christmas?
Harvest is a time when we take time to be grateful for all of God’s provision and to be aware how others are not so fortunate to have a roof over their heads, to know food and heat are available when they need them. Foodbanks are now a part of daily life for so many people whether we like it or not. As we look at the refugees who are pouring into various parts of Europe ordinary people are providing for them while governments argue amongst themselves what to do about this growing situation.
All this reminded me of Jesus’ reaction to those in the Temple where He lost His temper with the authorities who were only interested in what they could gain. He made it very clear that everyone of us has a responsibility to care for the widows, orphans, vulnerable, homeless, addict, the list goes on. It often feels like we are being bombarded constantly by requests for money or help and we can become numb to it all. Jesus knows we can only do so much but when we do it together it makes a huge difference.
Over the next few months, as we move towards Christmas, there will no doubt be even more pressures on us to give, there is only so much we can do. But there is one thing we can do which is remember and pray for those souls who need the comfort and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ – this is our commission. In doing this we give far more than the world can ever give, it’s an eternal gift and one we can give freely and know we are bringing glory to God the Father.
Our Bible Study begins on Sunday, 11th October at 7pm and the theme is Trusting God’s Fairness, a time to look at how God can be trusted when all around us there seems to be no justice or peace or respect for one another. He is our ultimate Judge and will bring to bear the full weight of His authority and justice when the time comes – please believe this promise, if you find it difficult then pray to see what He has done in your life and for others, we have seen many answered prayers and I have no doubt we will see many more in the future.
Our God is a great big God and there is nothing He cannot nor will not do for us.
Love and Blessings